Learn how to use PrestaShop tutorials step-by-step for your e-commerce store.

It's time to set up your store with these how-tos & tutorials based on PrestaShop. This open-source ecommerce platform allows you to create and manage PrestaShop products in an ecommerce store with ease and efficiency.

However, to make the most out of PrestaShop, you need to know how to customize it according to your needs and preferences. That’s why we have created these PrestaShop tutorials for you.

Tutorials & tricks for your PrestaShop site.

These tutorials will show you how to:

  • Start the PrestaShop installation process.
  • Configure and customize PrestaShop for your PrestaShop website.
  • Manage the PrestaShop database.
  • Modify a PrestaShop theme.
  • Editing a PrestaShop module or setting up the payment method.
  • Active maintenance mode.

You will learn how to set up your products, categories from the back office, and choose the right hosting provider or web server, and download and install modules from our PrestaShop marketplace.

We also help you to customize the checkout page, integrate with a payment gateway and more.

You will also learn how to optimize your site for SEO and performance.

Whether you are a beginner or an expert, you can find a useful PrestaShop tutorial that will help you master PrestaShop and take your business to the next level.

Prestashop Tutorial

IConvert Promotion Have Been Translated Into 8 Languages

IConvert Promotion has been translated into 8 languages

We know that the internet is a global marketplace. That's why we have made our promotions module available in eight languages. We've also made it easy to use with an interface designed for simplicity and clarity of language.So now, no matter where you are, or what language you speak, you can enjoy IConvert Promotion!
Prestashop too many redirects

PrestaShop: too many redirects — How to fix it?

Do you get an error in your PrestaShop store and can not access it because there are too many redirects? It's a redirect loop, and you keep getting it 404 for a long time. Follow us, and we will find out how to fix this problem by troubleshooting your PrestaShop URL redirection issue.
Find your language on Age Verification & Restriction

Find your language on Age Verification & Restriction

Almost everyone is accustomed to the fact that close to 100% of the apps are made to be used in English as a universal language to understand each other better 😃. What if we tell you that we're going to offer a different perspective and make Age Verification & Restriction 18+ module feel more like home 🏡 to you?With an eye on the upcoming upgrading and supporting all our international users 🤗 we're implementing more languages on your verification module!
PrestaShop 1.7.8

What are the latest features in PrestaShop 1.7.8 & how to upgrade?

The Prestashop core is now a new version 1.7.8 which brings some important bug fixes and security updates, which are most likely related to the recent vulnerability that affected both the storefronts and the admin dashboard.
PrestaShop requirements

PrestaShop system requirements for installation

PrestaShop is the best eCommerce platform for its flexibility and variety of features. It helps you to handle your online store and any product. Here are some important things that you need to know about PrestaShop requirements to prepare before installing PrestaShop. The basic requirements. 1) You must have PHP 5.2+ installed. Set "memory_limit" for the memory allocation to 128M, "upload_max_filesize" to 12M or more if available in the PHP configuration. 2) Your web host should support MySQL...
PrestaShop Quantity Discount

What is the PrestaShop quantity discount, and how can apply discounts to increase sales?

If you purchase more than 1 of the same product, you may receive a discounted rate. This can be applied in Prestashop to give customers a discount when purchasing bulk quantities of your product. Some stores offer a quantity discount when you purchase more than one of the same item. In Prestashop, this can be applied to give customers a reduced price for purchasing more than one of your products.
Step by Step to find the PrestaShop Database Config file

Step by Step to find the PrestaShop Database Config file

How to find the PrestaShop Database config file to get the necessary information you forgot? Your database connection can be established in the PrestaShop configuration setting by adding your database username, password, hostname, and database name. Once you are connected to your databases, the Prestashop framework knows all the tables you are using in your installation. Feel free to get this information from the configuration file if you missed them.
PrestaShop newsletter subscribers

How to find the list of PrestaShop newsletter subscribers?

PrestaShop has an option that allows customers to subscribe to the newsletter mailing list, and save the list of PrestaShop newsletter subscribers into its database, although this platform does not have a full-featured built-in email marketing function. If you use other PrestaShop modules for sending newsletter messages, these modules will automatically get email addresses from the database. But how can you export newsletter subscribers to send them to other services? Welcome to PrestaSOO....
The fastest way to get a valid customer ID in PrestaShop

The fastest way to get a valid customer ID in PrestaShop

Have you ever wondered what a customer ID is? How does it work, and why do we need it? This article will explain all this in detail, and it will also show you how to get a customer ID in PrestaShop.
Mailchimp PrestaShop integration

MailChimp PrestaShop integration to send newsletters

Are you looking for a tool that helps with managing email subscribers? This article will guide you through the process of setting up your PrestaShop site and connecting it with MailChimp.
Prestashop under construction page

Enable and manage PrestaShop Maintenance Mode

The PrestaShop under-construction page (or coming soon page) is a special page on the website that notifies customers of an update or website maintenance. If you want to use your own layout for the maintenance mode, you can also show a countdown timer on it. When your business is growing rapidly, you may find that some modules are getting outdated or the theme needs to be improved. In such cases, you will need to enable maintenance mode on your PrestaShop site. This article explains what it...
How to add promo codes in PrestaShop for new customers

How to add promo codes in PrestaShop for a new customer

Promo codes are a good way to encourage new customers to buy from you, which can lead to repeat business. It also has the advantage of being very easy to implement. Most eCommerce websites nowadays use this tactic to get more new customers into their websites. Why do we need to offer a PrestaShop discount code for a new customer? Every single new customer that enjoys a discount is an opportunity to grow your business. They need a reason for their decision, and they should see the benefit of...
The Winner for the PrestaShop Invoice Templates survey

The Winner for the PrestaShop Invoice Templates survey

Hey, hey everyone. Last week we sent a survey to 10,000 users of our client's community for asking about their favourite PrestaShop Invoice Template's colour: Black/White Invoice or Colorful!. Before sending this survey, our developers always love the colourful template! We're developing 3 colourful templates for next month. But the result makes us be surprised!
PrestaShop GDPR Checkbox

GDPR checkbox for PrestaShop Newsletter Popup is available

Are you a PrestaShop store owner who has clients from the EU? Then, GDPR consent is one of the most headache issues for your business. Now we have good news: the GDPR checkbox feature has been released on the PrestaShop Newsletter Popup module - this module offers a highly conversion-ready newsletter subscription block on your PrestaShop site. This new function helps you to keep your store in compliance with the law!
Enable or disable verification & confirmation email

Enable or disable verification & confirmation email

Currently, whenever a visitor submits her email on the Newsletter Popup block, she is prompted with a verification email to verify her email address. We are aware that some people are not comfortable with this. Therefore, we have added an option to enable or disable this verification & confirmation email.
How to add text to an invoice in PrestaShop

How to add text to custom the PrestaShop invoice template

You always want to add text to the invoice file in PrestaShop PDF for editing the PrestaShop invoice template and personalizing your documents. But you only have a default template in PrestaShop that only lets you use the company name and the default logo from the backoffice. This type of document for your PrestaShop store is not only a tool for getting paid and generating receipts. You could use it to reinforce your brand and for communicating with customers. But there is a way to personalize...
PrestaSOO team
Everything you need to make a living doing work you love.


It is a wise investment

PrestaShop modules we created first to solve the problem of our own business - an e-Commerce site. That means they are very useful for serious business. If you value your web property, these modules are a wise investment.
Sarah Reeves, App Developer @ PrestaSOO
Made with in Paris & Hanoi
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