Enable or disable verification & confirmation email

Currently, whenever a visitor submits her email on the Newsletter Popup block, she is prompted with a verification email to verify her email address.

We are aware that some people are not comfortable with this.
Therefore, we have added an option to enable or disable this verification & confirmation email.

verification email & confirmation email

Newsletter Popup Coupon API

A rasing star offers a reason for your visitors to sign up for your e-mail list on your store.

This is our latest module shows a subscription block on an attractive popup, integrates HubSpot, SendinBlue, Platform.ly, ClearOut, TheChecker as well as provides a MailChimp PrestaShop integration via APIs.

What are the verification & confirmation email?

A verification/confirmation email is automatically sent when an email address is entered in our form on your PrestaShop Store. We're always looking for ways to improve the experience for our users, and we're always open to feedback!

In some cases, using the checker & clearout is good enough and store owners do not want to send a verification or confirmation email.

How does this new feature work?

Accessing the module setting page, on the Display Options tab, you will find a button to enable or disable the verification & confirmation email.

Enable or disable verification & confirmation email

Do you have a suggestion? Leave a comment below!

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Latest modules update!

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ChargeMe v5.4.1 ⊙
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Age Restriction - 18+ v2.3.6⊙
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Newsletter Popup v3.2.5 ⊙
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JumptoCheckout v.2.1.1 ⊙
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PrestaSOO team
Everything you need to make a living doing work you love.


It is a wise investment

PrestaShop modules we created first to solve the problem of our own business - an e-Commerce site. That means they are very useful for serious business. If you value your web property, these modules are a wise investment.
Sarah Reeves, App Developer @ PrestaSOO
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