Trusty module.

build trust instantly, Increase sales quickly.

Don't let customer trust be lost. With our sale proofs and FOMO marketing solutions, you can capture it from the first visit and convert your traffic into more sales and leads with the Trusty module.
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5 Stars - Trusty Sale Proofs

Solution trusted some of the most successful
eCommerce platforms.

Step by step
Boost your eCommerce sales and influence visitors

Choose from attractive sales proofs and FOMO notifications

Sales activities

Sales activities

Show sales to your visitors with Trusty's sales activities feature. This will make them buy faster and more. Get started now and increase your income!
Add to cart Activities

Add to cart Activities

Show your visitors when someone adds your products to their carts. This will create fear of missing out and motivate them to act quickly. Activate it now and watch your cart rate skyrocket!
Visitor counter

Visitor counter

Increase your customers' trust by showing them how many people are viewing the product right now.
Increase sales data

Increase sales data

Display pre-defined data to your website visitors using our enhanced sales data feature. This will make your new store look more active and appealing.

Who is Trusty Sale Proofs perfect for?

PrestaShop Agencies

PrestaShop Agencies

Increase your customers' conversion rate.


Help PrestaShop owners reduce the cost of acquisition.
PrestaShop Developers

PrestaShop Developers

Maximise conversions on PrestaShop stores.
Easy to use. Rich options. One-time payment.
Compatible with PrestaShop 1.7 and PrestaShop 8
Sale Proof solution
Sale Activities
Alan Smith

A. Smith

Developer, UK.
boost sales
“Trusty Sale Proofs helped us increase our sales by 210% in just a few months. This amazing module not only builds trust with our customers, but also keeps them interested in our PrestaShop store for longer, which also improves our SEO ranking.”
Automate Sale Proofs

Say Goodbye to Onboarding Headache

Install Trusty module

10 seconds
Easy installation, no tech skill required

Set Up Notifications

5 minutes
Unleash your creativity with tags & ready-made notifications.

Go Live

1 second
Start popping sale proofs notifications in your PrestaShop store.
Trusty Sale Proof module

Trusty Sale Proofs

The easy way to build trust, create urgency, and convert more!
PrestaSOO team
Everything you need to make a living doing work you love.


It is a wise investment

PrestaShop modules we created first to solve the problem of our own business - an e-Commerce site. That means they are very useful for serious business. If you value your web property, these modules are a wise investment.
Sarah Reeves, App Developer @ PrestaSOO
Made with in Paris & Hanoi
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