Learn how to use PrestaShop tutorials step-by-step for your e-commerce store.

It's time to set up your store with these how-tos & tutorials based on PrestaShop. This open-source ecommerce platform allows you to create and manage PrestaShop products in an ecommerce store with ease and efficiency.

However, to make the most out of PrestaShop, you need to know how to customize it according to your needs and preferences. That’s why we have created these PrestaShop tutorials for you.

Tutorials & tricks for your PrestaShop site.

These tutorials will show you how to:

  • Start the PrestaShop installation process.
  • Configure and customize PrestaShop for your PrestaShop website.
  • Manage the PrestaShop database.
  • Modify a PrestaShop theme.
  • Editing a PrestaShop module or setting up the payment method.
  • Active maintenance mode.

You will learn how to set up your products, categories from the back office, and choose the right hosting provider or web server, and download and install modules from our PrestaShop marketplace.

We also help you to customize the checkout page, integrate with a payment gateway and more.

You will also learn how to optimize your site for SEO and performance.

Whether you are a beginner or an expert, you can find a useful PrestaShop tutorial that will help you master PrestaShop and take your business to the next level.

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PrestaShop has an option that allows customers to subscribe to the newsletter mailing list, and save the list of PrestaShop newsletter subscribers into its database, although this platform does not have a full-featured built-in email marketing function.

If you use other PrestaShop modules for sending newsletter messages, these modules will automatically get email addresses from the database.

But how can you export newsletter subscribers to send them to other services?

Welcome to PrestaSOO. Today I will show you where you should go to find this information for upcoming promotions & marketing campaigns.

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Have you ever wondered what a customer ID is? How does it work, and why do we need it? This article will explain all this in detail, and it will also show you how to get a customer ID in PrestaShop.

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Are you looking for a tool that helps with managing email subscribers? This article will guide you through the process of setting up your PrestaShop site and connecting it with MailChimp.

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The PrestaShop under-construction page (or coming soon page) is a special page on the website that notifies customers of an update or website maintenance. If you want to use your own layout for the maintenance mode, you can also show a countdown timer on it.

When your business is growing rapidly, you may find that some modules are getting outdated or the theme needs to be improved. In such cases, you will need to enable maintenance mode on your PrestaShop site.

This article explains what it does and how to enable it on your website with a step-by-step guide.

What does the under-construction page do?

This page prevents visitors from accessing the main functions of your shop in case you're developing the PrestaShop store or updating the product's information.

Let's say you're submitting a new product to your store, and you haven't completed the processing, but you still want to save the information. Set your store into maintenance mode to avoid any misunderstandings from your customers.

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Promo codes are a good way to encourage new customers to buy from you, which can lead to repeat business. It also has the advantage of being very easy to implement.

Most eCommerce websites nowadays use this tactic to get more new customers into their websites.

Why do we need to offer a PrestaShop discount code for a new customer?

Every single new customer that enjoys a discount is an opportunity to grow your business. They need a reason for their decision, and they should see the benefit of buying from you.

If they use your special promotions as a way to be the first place tested, they will spread the word about their great experience and some of them might use you as their store.

It works like this: A customer visits your website and gets excited by the product that they are looking at. But they're thinking about buying it. They then get asked a few questions that would help them make up their mind on whether they want to buy it or not. Questions like "Would you like to purchase this product now?".

If the customer can't find a reason, so they leave your website without buying anything.

But if you show amazing deals, everything will be easier. This is very good for customers who are just trying out your product, and you want to help them by getting them an offer they can't refuse.

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Hey, hey everyone.
Last week we sent a survey to 10,000 users of our client's community for asking about their favourite PrestaShop Invoice Template's colour: Black/White Invoice or Colorful!.
Before sending this survey, our developers always love the colourful template! We're developing 3 colourful templates for next month. But the result makes us be surprised!

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Are you a PrestaShop store owner who has clients from the EU? Then, GDPR consent is one of the most headache issues for your business.
Now we have good news: the GDPR checkbox feature has been released on the PrestaShop Newsletter Popup module - this module offers a highly conversion-ready newsletter subscription block on your PrestaShop site.
This new function helps you to keep your store in compliance with the law!

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Currently, whenever a visitor submits her email on the Newsletter Popup block, she is prompted with a verification email to verify her email address.

We are aware that some people are not comfortable with this.
Therefore, we have added an option to enable or disable this verification & confirmation email.

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You always want to add text to the invoice file in PrestaShop PDF for editing the PrestaShop invoice template and personalizing your documents. But you only have a default template in PrestaShop that only lets you use the company name and the default logo from the backoffice.

This type of document for your PrestaShop store is not only a tool for getting paid and generating receipts. You could use it to reinforce your brand and for communicating with customers.

But there is a way to personalize your documents by adding text on their content as well as the header and the footer. This article will show you how easy it is!

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You always want to delete the unwanted orders and test order in the PrestaShop admin panel.

Meet DeleteX.

It's a free PrestaShop module that helps you safely delete the default order & test orders. New feature: the latest version of DeleteX provides an option to delete all orders in 1 click as its default functionality!

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It's easy to improve your Inbox Rates with email verifier services.

Email marketing works because it allows you to succeed in leads and customers within the place they are going a day — the inbox.

Newsletter Popup v.2.9.7 module supports two email verifier services: ClearOut & TheChecker. Now improving the email open rates doesn’t require a lot of heavy lifting and you will save a lot of money on running your business based on a PrestaShop Store.

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We heard from you.

We received a lot of early feedback and one of the most requested features was generating a coupon on a subscription product.

So, we have released to bring ChargeMe v5.3.2 to live with Automatically Generate Coupon feature.

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If you are running daily deals, flash sales (or Black Friday Sales) on your PrestaShop store, where you have limited quantities of products in stock, you always need to take care of the number of products on stock.

Thanks to this module, customers can't add product in their cart if there is no quantity available. No more out of stock. And it will show a notification on product pages that let other customers know when the product will become available for other customers.

Today I'm really excited to show you Reserve Products Temporary & Cart Expiration FOMO v.3.0.0.

Let's see what's new on this release!

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What's up, guys? I'm Sarah with PrestaSOO.

You need a popup to confirm the age when selling alcohol, tobacco... to prevents those who are under age from accessing your store.

But people hate popup!

I'm very excited to show you 4 new themes for Age Verification & Restriction 18+ module: Neon, Bubbles, Snow Fall and Halloween! (Oh, is Halloween is coming?)

  • The Neon theme brings the Bar's style.
  • Bubbles interface is modern and fun.
  • The Snow Fall theme is great preparation for this year's Christmas.
  • And....the Halloween theme will surprise your customers. Wait! Halloween is coming, isn't it?

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You love Newsletter Popup module with more than 20+ conversion-ready themes but still want to upload your own image?

After a few days working on our lab, today I can't wait to tell you a new feature on Newsletter Popup module: you can upload your own image for each popup. Crop the image and the result will be updated in real-time.

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You need to login to PrestaShop Admin to manage your products, track the orders, change the module configuration settings...etc. A few seconds after login success, you automatically log out. What's wrong?

I'm sure that your computer is not the cause of this. For some reason, it kicks you out of the session. It's no fun if PrestaShop developers need to configure their addons or check order status immediately.

I think that PrestaShop needs to add a timeline to the site so that we can see how long it takes for these bugs to be fixed. I hope that they are able to do so quickly because this is a really frustrating and unfortunate thing to happen.

Follow this PrestaShop tutorial to figure it out and get the easiest solution by accessing the database of your PrestaShop store.